Gay Sera Sera!

I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other night. She told me that her teenage son “came out.” “My son told me that he’s gay” were her precise words. My exterior reaction followed the principles by which I often write in my blog and I said, “Good for him!” My interior question was:…

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Slings and Arrows

I recently had what seemed like an essentially pointless argument on one of my posts. It centered around which President was abused the most, Bush or Obama? I make the case, without hesitation, that it is Obama who has suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous partisanship far more than any president. My “foes” contend…

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Tyranny-saurus Rex

A criticism was leveled at me the other day.  A close friend said:  “I don’t read your blog like I used to because you kind of recycle the same topics.” I asked, “Which topics?” (somewhat defensively, because that had not occurred to me). She said, “Poverty, Gay Rights, the Constitution, and Economics.” My first reaction was quietly to myself:…

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Kennedy Asks Not

Words are often introduced through tragedy and then assimilated into our casual vernacular. The Kennedy assassination brought us the “grassy knoll” to describe an unassuming, small hill with grass that ran parallel to the President’s “motorcade” (another word that entered our popular lexicon). The mention of a “grassy knoll” invariably conjures thoughts of that tragedy,…

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“As the Colon Turns”

Earlier this week I had a colonoscopy. How many of you are still reading?  Everyone?  Good.  This isn’t a political post, but it’s still a call to action. Only half of those over the age of 50 who should have a colonoscopy comply with recommended guidelines to do so, and 60% of all Americans over 50…

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