Peek-a-boo! I see YOU!

A friend posted an indictment of President Obama’s surveillance policy (as a realization of the Patriot Act) with regard to wiretaps by the NSA.  You can find it here at: It was of particular interest because it was from the editorial board of the New York Times, a paper considered by many to have a…

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Confessions of a “Hollywood Liberal”

This morning in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier this rebuttal appeared to a column that I had written the week before: I will also offer my column if anyone wishes to use it as a reference: For the record, I consider Van Miller to be a friend, and I have tremendous respect for him and the business…

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Giving Idiots a Bad Name

It is fairly common that a mass email will reach me like the one below.  This one was a list of things (perceived contradictions in policy) that concluded, if they were true, that “you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.” I’m sure that there are some idiots in government, but the…

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