Run, Gary, Run!

I’ve been running for office for 9 days now.  What have I learned….? I’ve learned that everyone knows what you need to do to win. I’ve learned that county central committees don’t call each other to determine if they overlap. I’ve learned that being a candidate means that, sadly, you can no longer write a…

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The Stick

My father was a child of the Great Depression.  He grew up in a family with 7 children in an abandoned caboose with no electricity or plumbing.  He had only had one pair of overalls and ratty old shoes to wear to school every day. It was, after all, the Depression and everyone was poor in…

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Have a Koch and a Smile!

Republicans have voted against Obama’s jobs bill…voted against a Consumer Financial Protection Agency to curb the fraudulent practices that contributed to the recession…voted against a bi-partisan budget…voted against ending tax breaks that did nothing but line the pockets of Big Oil…they voted against the “Buffet Rule” that would essentially lower marginal tax rates but also…

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