The Shadow of Our Burden

Over the years I’ve heard opponents of social spending say, “If I were taxed less, I would give more generously to charity.” On the surface, at least, that statement seems to have some validity.  I am privileged to host several fundraisers every year, helping to raise money for everything from the United Way, Habitat for Humanity,…

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The Higher Moral Ground

What is the greatest threat to our political system? Oligarchic control? Elections manipulated by wealth? Economic disparity? Those are all issues in crisis, but they are results of inattention to foundational principles. The root cause of our dysfunction is: Hypocrisy. Until we discover the enlightenment that allows us to be honest; that mediates the deflection…

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My Thankful Prayer

Someone said to me: “Gary, I don’t see any evidence of American pride in your positions.  You criticize our great country.” I was startled.  I honestly feel that my perspective is a tribute to America, even when I am critical of politicians, policies and political parties.  I never take for granted what this country provides,…

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