Our National Pastime

I wish the FBI had followed up on the warnings that were sent about the young Florida shooter. Those innocent people would be alive today. But that preemptive action doesn’t solve the problem at the root of epidemic gun violence. Of course we should be talking about mental illness and doing more to understand and…

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We Love Our Guns!

Executive Vice President of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, stated that government should not interfere with our right to possess guns to defend our homes and protect our children. It’s such an appealing statement. The “right to defend our homes and protect our children.”  It makes us feel like warrior-kings protecting our domain with bravery and nobility.  It…

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Once Upon a Time in America

I watched the President’s State of the Union address with great interest.  Not because I had an expectation one way or the other of what it might include, but the conversations that always follow a SOTU reveal what the talking points will be moving forward. I heard several pundits talk about “American Exceptionalism” and the…

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