I am conflicted. Last night I became aware of something that I hadn’t really thought of before. There are people who don’t participate in my political posts but still read them. That may seem obvious, but as I write something, post it, and a debate, which sometimes becomes heated, ensues, I am only thinking about the people who are participating.
A friend, who is a Republican, and never participates, wrote to me directly and was very blunt. “I’m tired of being made to look stupid simply because I’m a Republican.”
I was embarrassed. I wrote back, “I don’t think Republicans are stupid and I certainly respect you!”
But I looked back on some threads and it wasn’t hard to find many comments that were offensive from all sides of the debate. Some liberal participants had, in fact, stated that “Republicans don’t care about others, only themselves” or said that they are “racist, blind and ignorant.”
I can assure everyone that I know as many Republicans who care as much as anyone about others, about this country, and who are generous and informed.
I can report to everyone that as I do fundraisers for various charities that there are as many, if not more, Republicans in the house reaching into their wallets. And as the majority of business owners I know are Republican, I can tell you that I see them sponsoring community events, softball leagues and charities all over town.
But this is where I am conflicted….
It is not possible to have these ideological differences and not put on gloves to some extent. It is also very clear how hostilities begin. The way we think is part of who we are and when that is challenged it is not difficult to feel insulted.
My intention when I started blogging a few years ago was to have reasonable and informed debates and to keep the bitterness at a low flame. I wanted solutions to problems, not body slam victories.
I have betrayed my own premise several times when I’ve posted embarrassing pictures of Rick Santorum or Michelle Bachmann or Sarah Palin….or George Bush…Limbaugh…Cruz… and while I am not retracting my distaste for their positions and how they manifest them, nothing is gained by insulting them.
But, I have questions to be addressed before my conflicted state can be resolved. Debate them. Offer counter evidence. Dismiss them, if you wish, but I’d like to understand some of the differences that have been separating liberals from conservatives.
– I don’t understand why conservatives will call me “brainwashed” because I have this idea that caring aggressively about both our essential and aesthetic environment is a very important matter.
-Or “socialist” because I want to see every American and every child better cared for with better access to health care.
– I do not understand why many conservatives cannot separate their Christian faith from constitutional justice and why they do not recognize that ALL Americans share the same civil rights.
-I do not understand why Republicans disallow any connection between our current foreign policy quagmire in the Middle East with policies initiated 11 years ago.
– I do not understand the logic from Republicans who believe that the solution to our current economic challenge is to use the same economic principles that created our economic crisis.
Why is it a silly leftwing position to imagine that history (the Great Depression and Keynsian Theory) has lessons regarding spending, taxation, entitlements, and free market regulation?
What is even more puzzling to me is that many of those concepts were once embraced by the Right. Nixon brought us the EPA. Republicans during his term introduced healthcare reform very similar ObamaCare. Eisenhower supported collective bargaining and progressive taxation. It was actually a Democrat (Kennedy) who brought the high end of the tax rate down, but created less tax burden at the bottom.
Our differences are not a question of stupidity or lack of caring for others, they are defined by matters of truth, and I want to understand this disconnect without being called “pathetic” or a “weak minded liberal.”
The nature of our debates can improve.