Let’s Talk Health and Care

There are a lot of critical issues in America that we, as voters, have to consider. According to polls, Climate Change receives a significant ranking and is the issue that concerns younger Americans the most, but ranks lower as voters get older. The Economy ranks high with overall voters, but according to one survey the…

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An Alien Invasion!

A commentator on Fox News while justifying the ICE raids, internment camps and border walls, said, “Illegal aliens are killing Americans.” Not one to take such a concern lightly, I locked all the doors and did a head count. My defenses were on alert and I went online (curtains drawn so the aliens wouldn’t see…

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Life and Death

Gun Control was a very difficult subject when I was running for the Iowa House.  Not because I was afraid of the subject, I wasn’t, but because the forces that disagree with anything short of the proliferation of firearms would rise in obstinate (and loud) opposition. Money gets thrown in to defeat you, and even a fearless candidate has…

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Walls and Bridges

There are certain issues for which I cannot be silent. Civil and human rights are such issues. When people of any group, any nation, any persuasion, are marginalized in any way, I am called to emotional arms and I will be vocal. As a businessman I am more cautious today, politically speaking, than, perhaps, I…

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Tabula Rasa

The father of modern philosophy, Rene Descartes (“I think, therefore, I am”) believed in “Innatism”; he believed the human mind is born already containing certain knowledge, specifically the difference between right and wrong, and at our core was an innate knowledge of God. His theory was countered by the Empiricists, John Locke, in particular, who…

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Walls and Bridges, Part II

The wall debate is a perfect illustration of different rhetorical patterns between ideological viewpoints. Wall supporters are now comparing ALL walls in order to connect the logic of good walls to a Mexican wall : “Heaven has a wall,” “People in gated communities have a wall,” “Parking garages have walls!,” “Obama has a wall!” (he…

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A Fair Bargain

There are two things I hear consistently from people who oppose social spending:  “It’s MY money,” and, “I don’t want my hard earned money being spent on people who want to live off handouts!” Their assumption often seems to be that the poor are that way because they haven’t been chastised enough to stop being…

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