My Thankful Prayer

Someone said to me: “Gary, I don’t see any evidence of American pride in your positions.  You criticize our great country.” I was startled.  I honestly feel that my perspective is a tribute to America, even when I am critical of politicians, policies and political parties.  I never take for granted what this country provides,…

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A State-Bred Race

It’s the home stretch! I’ve been campaigning now for 21 months.  Over a year in a primary for the United States Congress and 7 months after I made the switch to run for the Iowa House.  I have been enjoying every minute of it, even though the physical and mental requirements can be, at times,…

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United We Stand

When President John F. Kennedy changed the tax structure to lower the highest marginal rates, while closing loopholes, it was effective because it was a balance of the right amount and in the right way. It was a confluence of fairness, equitability, and accountability that led to economic stimulus.   But, numbers alone are not why…

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Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

Greetings from the down ticket!  That’s the first level of representation alongside city officials.  That’s not meant to be a self-deprecating comment, nor is it meant to diminish the importance of state and local government; it is simply where the office of a State Representative resides in the matrix of elections. At the top are the presidential candidates, of…

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Education Must Resonate

This link was sent to me at the end of the last school year: When I first began to think about running for public office, I asked friends, already in office, what moved them to take the leap into the political arena. They all had different sets of priorities with regard to issues, but…

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Government and Manure

Now that I have your attention…. An article was posted today in the Iowa Daily Democrat and it perfectly illustrated the role of government in our society.  The subject was the application of manure from large animal confinement feeding operations. Current state laws are weak with regard to animal waste and with relatively few inspectors…

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