Blogging For Dollars

This is my last post for the week and I’m a little tired. I’m tired of making the same old arguments over and over, although I’m sure I’ll have renewed energy on Monday to get back into the swim. Today, however, I’m looking forward to driving to South Bend with my youngest son to watch…

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The Blame Game

A friend posted a thought on my Facebook page which led to a friendly, but lively debate.  He pointed out how in every election cycle, the incumbent, looking for a second term, blames any shortcomings experienced from their first term, onto the previous administration. Clearly, this was meant as an indictment of President Obama and…

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Son of Paleface

I saw a white man in line at Kwik Star. That, in and of itself, is not unsual, but this fellow wanted to draw attention to the fact that he was white.  I don’t like to categorize and judge people by appearance, but it was hard to overlook the fact that a very large, hairy…

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“And that’s the way it is…”

Once upon a time, yet, in my lifetime, there were news anchors that we trusted and news gathering organizations that held the highest principles of journalism craddled to their corporate bosom.  The first obligation of American journalism is to the truth because it has been understood, from our very beginning, that the survival of our democracy depends on…

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He Said, She Said

When I was married (I’m divorced) one of the most aggravating things that would happen when I had a “beef” is that my wife would counter with, “Yeah, well once you…” and she would then list mistakes I’ve made in the past that may, or may not, be relevant to my complaint, but nevertheless negated any…

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