I just don’t know what to think. I want to believe in the integrity and collective wisdom of Americans, but I get scared. I get scared when tv ratings soar for the Jersey Shore and for Celebrity Apprentice. I get scared when the lead story on the 6 o’clock news is about Lady Gaga’s meat…
Author: gary1164
For the love of God!
I saw this posted on Facebook: “The leftist media has really been effective with its disinformation about the Tea Party. We are against bail outs, crony capitalism, and big government. The only thing that separates us apart from the occupy movement is that we do not want to turn the USA into the USSA. This…
Caution: Cancer may cause smoking
Personally, I like election years with lame duck Presidents. That way we have primaries for both parties and there can be some comparisons of the debates that might calibrate sanity a little better than what we’re seeing now. I have my theories as to what the Democrats would look like in a dogfight, but I’ll…
"It bleaches while it cleans hard to reach Santorum!"
Only a couple of weeks ago the Rick Santorum campaign was as irrelevant as proper grammar at a Tea Party rally and now, lo and behold, he pulls off a rare hat-trick and catapults back into the race. As I listened to a gloating Rick Santorum speak after his campaign-reviving trifecta, I heard him say that the central…
Nader’s Nadir
I posted a video yesterday on my Facebook page where Ralph Nader offered a critical analysis of Obama’s State of the Union address. The crux of Nader’s position is that Obama makes bold declamations but then does not follow through, specifically on financial and environmental issues. He also criticized the speech for taking a hawkish tone with…
Dear Mr. President,
At the end of Bill Clinton’s second term I wrote the President a letter. I told him how I had supported him over the previous 8 years but that his personal shortcomings had made it very difficult. Anytime I argued policy with the opposition, “all they had to do was bring up your moral failings…