Aristotle defined “contradiction” in his thesis “Metaphysics” thusly: “It is impossible that the same thing can at the same time both belong and not belong to the same object and in the same respect.” Yet that conflict with reason has become the operating system for the modern Republican Party. What else could lead Republicans, self-described as…
Author: gary1164
Reynolds’ Rap
What more could Governor Reynolds and Iowa Republicans do to make Iowa less attractive to businesses and students? Under their stewardship Iowa has, according to data from the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Census Bureau, and S&P Global Market Intelligence, dropped in rank in infrastructure, workforce, access to capital, education, economics, and even “business friendliness.” They’ve lowered corporate taxes, but that’s like…
4% Of A Good Idea
Iowa Governor, Kim Reynolds, has proposed a state 4% flat tax. Reynolds calls it “flat and fair.” It appeals to many people because we would all pay the same percentage. Not the same amount, of course, if we make less we pay less; it is commensurate to everyone else. A recent guest column in the Waterloo Courier supported Reynold’s plan stating: “the Blue State progressive tax and spend blueprint does not lead…
“I’ve Seen The Needle And The Damage Done”
“When it comes to these gun grabbing, freedom hating, over regulating, civil liberty violating tyrants here’s my message—“ at which point Iowa state representative Bobby Kaufmann raises his middle fingers. He walks from the lectern to a standing ovation at a rally conducted at the Statehouse. Well, at least Iowa made national news again! Last…
May Blessings Upon Thee Fall!
I have a dear friend, who sadly passed away a few years ago. He was a dashing, British actor named Peter Dennis who was delightfully full of himself, as only British folk can pull off with graceful aplomb. I think of him all the time, but the pearl of kindness that he always imparted upon…
Our Greatest Adventure
Thoughts about living from Shannon Alexander. Life is a struggle for all living beings, all the time. As humans, there isn’t a day that passes that we don’t feel the struggle of being alive, and aware of our “aliveness.” As humans, this is our gift and our curse. Some days the struggle is less, when…
A Lost Cause; Modern Confederacy In America
Let’s be very clear about something. The Confederate flag is not a symbol of the United States. It was one of the symbols of a rebellion against the United States. It stood for secession and for the continuation of human bondage. End of story. The argument is often made that the Confederate flag and the…
Oh, We Got Trouble!
Democrats of River City! Heed this warning before it’s too late! Look for the tell-tale signs of corruption! Corruption with a capital “C” and that rhymes with “T” and that stands for Trump! Donald J Trump has lost the 2020 election and ultimately it will be recorded as one of the most accurately counted in…
With A Little Help From My Friends
America is sick. Not just fanatical extremists, but all of us. Every nook and cranny of our socio-political universe has been infected with the coronavirus to rationality; an invasion of cells that replicate within our innate decency and suffocate the ability to breathe reason. Strong words? Not strong enough. We have become tribalists in politics,…
Speak No Evil
We have a president who calls half of the country “evil.” He calls Democrats evil because they don’t like him. They were predisposed not to vote for him because he isn’t a Democrat, but that should not come as shocking news. Republicans don’t vote for many Democrats, either, right? But this president is brand new…