The following is a parable that keeps circulating on the internet. I consistently receive it from my conservative friends because they view it as a reasonable example of how our tax system exploits the rich. Read it and then read my version. They call theirs: Bar Stool Economics Every day, ten men go out for…
Category: Gary Kroeger
Palin By Comparison
Sarah Palin seems to be front and center again. Or maybe she’s where she’s always been; front and to the right, just off the radar of relevance but close enough to receive a Queen’s coronation when she steps into the spotlight of what she’s coined as “lamestream media.” The bio-pic “Game Change” aired last month…
Let’s Get Syria-us
It must seem to some that I will blindly support President Obama no matter what he does. I support healthcare reform, financial reform, Keynsian stimulus, the President’s cautious position on Libya and now his caution toward Syria. Perhaps that is what people do as a general rule; we assume that our party leadership is correct and that…
Remembering a good man
I knew of Ron Knapp for years, but I didn’t really know him until I moved back to the Cedar Valley just over 8 years ago. We were the same age but we didn’t cross paths until I ran into him at a bar in Cedar Falls in 2003. I had just been hired as…
Save Our School!
Something sinister is happening in my home town. The University of Northern Iowa, once known as the Iowa State Teachers College, and a national leader in the education and preparation of teachers may close down its laboratory school in order to answer budget concerns. Let me put this in perspective. The stature of a university is…
Are you ready to rrruummm-bblllle?
I just don’t know what to think. I want to believe in the integrity and collective wisdom of Americans, but I get scared. I get scared when tv ratings soar for the Jersey Shore and for Celebrity Apprentice. I get scared when the lead story on the 6 o’clock news is about Lady Gaga’s meat…
For the love of God!
I saw this posted on Facebook: “The leftist media has really been effective with its disinformation about the Tea Party. We are against bail outs, crony capitalism, and big government. The only thing that separates us apart from the occupy movement is that we do not want to turn the USA into the USSA. This…
Caution: Cancer may cause smoking
Personally, I like election years with lame duck Presidents. That way we have primaries for both parties and there can be some comparisons of the debates that might calibrate sanity a little better than what we’re seeing now. I have my theories as to what the Democrats would look like in a dogfight, but I’ll…
"It bleaches while it cleans hard to reach Santorum!"
Only a couple of weeks ago the Rick Santorum campaign was as irrelevant as proper grammar at a Tea Party rally and now, lo and behold, he pulls off a rare hat-trick and catapults back into the race. As I listened to a gloating Rick Santorum speak after his campaign-reviving trifecta, I heard him say that the central…
Nader’s Nadir
I posted a video yesterday on my Facebook page where Ralph Nader offered a critical analysis of Obama’s State of the Union address. The crux of Nader’s position is that Obama makes bold declamations but then does not follow through, specifically on financial and environmental issues. He also criticized the speech for taking a hawkish tone with…