I just read the news that Jon Crews has died from cancer. Jon Crews, the mayor’s mayor; the heartbeat of one of America’s finest small towns. Condolences framed by sweet memories and tears will go from house to house today and for many days to come. I first met Jon Crews in 1971. I was…
A Tax on Your House!
Taxes. The ugly step child of our Republic. Both political sides share parenting and are responsible for its well-being, but no one wants to admit that taxes are part of either gene pool. The line between what is the right amount of tax and what is too much is as blurry and contested as the…
One Fish Two Fish…
Americans love numbers. We especially love big numbers because big numbers means there can be no argument against whatever point we are using the big numbers for…because they are so BIG. Here’s a big one—The National Debt clock at this very moment is $19,856,689,020,596. It is higher right now as you read this from what…
A Rosa by any other name
The immigration debate rages on. I was sent a post attributed to Ben Stein who, allegedly, found it paradoxical that our government would require people to carry proof of insurance, but not proof of citizenship. That circulated through the conservative blogosphere because it seemed like a slam dunk double standard. A closer look shows that it doesnt hold water. It is pretty…
Back to the Future
Last year marked the 100th anniversary of the creation of Planned Parenthood which has become America’s preeminent provider of reproductive health care for women and for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. 19 years later in 1935 American retirees first became protected by Social Security, reducing poverty among senior citizens from nearly 50% to 10%, making it one of the most…
I know you are but what am I?
Donald Trump is often called a “bully.” There is a sound reason for that: He is. Not of physical strength, but often the most formidable ones rely on neither muscle or even wit, but dismantle logic. It’s a ploy where you win every time because there is no requirement in the fight beyond the rhetorical…
Our Beloved Plutocracy
I won’t lie. I like money. I would like to have more and if I did I could make investments to make even more. I’d love that. I like my bank too. They are very nice and I think that if I had more money to put into my bank they would guide me wisely to protect and…
Give the Guy a Chance!
Several times in the past few days people have said to me: “Give the guy a chance.” They are annoyed that I jumped out of the box to criticize President Trump only one day after his inauguration. They have pointed out that I am usually more open-minded, and that I did, in fact, say I…
The Price of Freedom
There are several signs around town that read: “Freedom isn’t free.” Often that is followed by: “Thank a Veteran.” I agree wholeheartedly with that entire statement, but when I use the phrase I might be using it in a slightly different context. Service men and women are part of the equation to keep America free, but, as…
Tom or Ted? You Decide
What does it mean to be free in America? I believe it means that in the United States of America, no citizen will be denied services, opportunities, benefits, goods, transactions, acquisitions, access or mobility on the basis of their race, creed (religion), color, gender, or sexual orientation. In fact, if there were distinctions to determine…