A Job Worth Doing!

For most of my life I have been involved with programs that deal with poverty.  My mother was a Head Start teacher and I helped her during semester breaks in high school and college, as a professional actor in Los Angeles I helped raise funds for Homeless Health Care.  Since coming back to Iowa I have been proud…

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My Love/Hate Relationship

I love Politics.  I love the practice of influencing one another on civic and individual issues. I like the debate over what is best for the common good because it is from this dialogue that we can emerge stronger and more secure in our pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. I hate Politics.  I hate…

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“It’s YOU!”

There’s an outtake from a Beatle recording session where they are trying to lay down vocal tracks for “One After 909” and someone keeps messing up causing them to start over. Finally, after John Lennon stops one more time, presumably to correct the others, Paul McCartney jumps in (laughing), “It’s you, John, it’s YOU!” The…

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Make America great…again!

The line wasn’t coined by Donald Trump.  Every Republican who declared their candidacy for the presidency stated that we needed a president who will “make us proud again to be an American.” It wasn’t that long ago when Democrats were rallying to “return America to greater standing in the world” and to find our “moral authority once…

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What’s your CSI?

Do you know what I’m really tired of? Besides, shortfalls in education budgets, short-sighted environmental policy, political bickering, hyperbole, and demagoguery. I’m tired of acronyms. The intention of an acronym is to reduce space in writing.  Once a long name, like the Association for the Proliferation of Acronyms, has been established in a document, the…

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THIS is the right time!

The other day a friend asked me why I am running against two well-known Democrats. He said, “Kroeger, you’re not known in politics, maybe you should look at this as your trial run and prepare for another race in a couple of years.” I understood where he was coming from, I’ve heard that before and…

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Social Acceptance

A recent poll said that 43% of the Democrats polled in Iowa identified themselves as “socialist.”  I find that a bit suspect and alarming and it has stirred controversy among Democrats and Republicans, alike.  Democrats who don’t want to identify with socialism and Republicans to fan the flame that Democrats want to take America toward…

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