Peek-a-boo! I see YOU!

A friend posted an indictment of President Obama’s surveillance policy (as a realization of the Patriot Act) with regard to wiretaps by the NSA.  You can find it here at: It was of particular interest because it was from the editorial board of the New York Times, a paper considered by many to have a…

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Confessions of a “Hollywood Liberal”

This morning in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier this rebuttal appeared to a column that I had written the week before: I will also offer my column if anyone wishes to use it as a reference: For the record, I consider Van Miller to be a friend, and I have tremendous respect for him and the business…

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Giving Idiots a Bad Name

It is fairly common that a mass email will reach me like the one below.  This one was a list of things (perceived contradictions in policy) that concluded, if they were true, that “you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.” I’m sure that there are some idiots in government, but the…

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In the wind of change

“Take me to the magic of the moment On a glory night Where the children of tomorrow dream away in the wind of change.” So proferred Scorpion.  Perhaps, a dated, pseudo-anthem from only a marginal metal band from Germany, but, I only had so much time to think of a quote, so that’s the one…

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My Popular Opinion

Someone wrote to me in response to an analysis I made regarding charity.  They wrote the often heard refrain:  “I should be able to choose how and when MY money is spent.” I responded with: “It isn’t your money as much as it is your privilege to have earned it.” I wasn’t satisfied that what I said made…

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Enraged by the Rage

There are times when I am rendered speechless from events that are so hard to comprehend that I cannot process my feelings.  Many people feel the same today.  Grief, fear, and anger can collide in a maelstrom of emotions that leave us confused. Oklahoma City…9/11…Columbine…Virginia Tech…Colorado…Newtown…Boston… There are many others and I don’t want to minimize…

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Gay Sera Sera!

I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other night. She told me that her teenage son “came out.” “My son told me that he’s gay” were her precise words. My exterior reaction followed the principles by which I often write in my blog and I said, “Good for him!” My interior question was:…

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Slings and Arrows

I recently had what seemed like an essentially pointless argument on one of my posts. It centered around which President was abused the most, Bush or Obama? I make the case, without hesitation, that it is Obama who has suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous partisanship far more than any president. My “foes” contend…

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