Tyranny-saurus Rex

A criticism was leveled at me the other day.  A close friend said:  “I don’t read your blog like I used to because you kind of recycle the same topics.” I asked, “Which topics?” (somewhat defensively, because that had not occurred to me). She said, “Poverty, Gay Rights, the Constitution, and Economics.” My first reaction was quietly to myself:…

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Kennedy Asks Not

Words are often introduced through tragedy and then assimilated into our casual vernacular. The Kennedy assassination brought us the “grassy knoll” to describe an unassuming, small hill with grass that ran parallel to the President’s “motorcade” (another word that entered our popular lexicon). The mention of a “grassy knoll” invariably conjures thoughts of that tragedy,…

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“As the Colon Turns”

Earlier this week I had a colonoscopy. How many of you are still reading?  Everyone?  Good.  This isn’t a political post, but it’s still a call to action. Only half of those over the age of 50 who should have a colonoscopy comply with recommended guidelines to do so, and 60% of all Americans over 50…

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Just Plain Stoopid

It just doesn’t stop.  Everywhere I turn I run into an argument that demonstrates a new low for critical thinking.  I was reading an MSN analysis of a State of the Union address and they called the President out for having misled the people regarding job creation. The President said that “500,000 manufacturing jobs have been created in the…

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The Princess and the Pee Pee

I have a theory. I’ve been trying to understand why Republicans today seem to be on the wrong side of everything. From healthcare reform, financial reform, civil rights, foreign policy, public schools, environmental protection….to rape! My theory was provoked last year during the controversy surrounding insurance provided contraception, but has been exacerbated (is there a…

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“At yer service day or night!”

The other day I overheard:  “I started my business without any help from government!” It was said to underscore the idea that entrepreneural independence is the cornerstone of American greatness and that it carries the legacy of capitalist success despite what they see as the crippling interference of government. It isnt hard to punch holes in that contention…

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A Challenge

Here’s a challenge.  Be honest.  If this was the early 20th century and we were discussing a proposed 19th Amendment, where would you stand? Would you be with the MAJORITY of Americans (women included) who opposed granting women the right to vote?  Or would you be a visionary (progressive) in the minority who saw it…

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Taxes, Deficits, and Debt!

It has become increasingly clear in our national debate concerning THE FISCAL CLIFF (add echo effect) many people do not understand Debt, Deficit Spending, Taxes, and our GNP and these misunderstandings are influencing policy decisions. It seems that many people are using the concept of “taxes” to mean our national “income” yet, taxes are not. Taxes…

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May Blessings Upon Thee Fall!

I’ve been struggling of late, as have many, many other people, to feel the joy this time of year usually brings.  I found the “Christmas spirit” from the experience of opening “White Christmas” at our community playhouse, but that was tempered by the discovery of the bodies of two beautiful little girls in cold, remote…

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