I keep hearing that my individual liberties are being threatened under the Obama Administration and that America is heading down the “wrong path.” I hear this from conservatives who write into this blog and on my Facebook page and their proclamations are often reiterated by leading Republicans. Every time I hear it I say to…
Blogging For Dollars
This is my last post for the week and I’m a little tired. I’m tired of making the same old arguments over and over, although I’m sure I’ll have renewed energy on Monday to get back into the swim. Today, however, I’m looking forward to driving to South Bend with my youngest son to watch…
The Blame Game
A friend posted a thought on my Facebook page which led to a friendly, but lively debate. He pointed out how in every election cycle, the incumbent, looking for a second term, blames any shortcomings experienced from their first term, onto the previous administration. Clearly, this was meant as an indictment of President Obama and…
Son of Paleface
I saw a white man in line at Kwik Star. That, in and of itself, is not unsual, but this fellow wanted to draw attention to the fact that he was white. I don’t like to categorize and judge people by appearance, but it was hard to overlook the fact that a very large, hairy…
An Open Letter to Gay America
Dear Friends of the Gay and Lesbian Community, In my view, no group of people have more at stake in this election than the gay men and women of America and, perhaps, around the world, as human rights are being threatened and denied universally. In my view, no group of people have worked harder or have…
“And that’s the way it is…”
Once upon a time, yet, in my lifetime, there were news anchors that we trusted and news gathering organizations that held the highest principles of journalism craddled to their corporate bosom. The first obligation of American journalism is to the truth because it has been understood, from our very beginning, that the survival of our democracy depends on…
“Your logic is seriously flawed, Captain.”
My shoulders ache. They get that way when I forget to breathe. I forget to breathe when I think too much. I think too much when I’m frustrated. I get frustrated when I talk to people about politics and logic becomes irrelevant in their arguments. Most of the arguments I hear from the anti-Obama voters centers around…
He Said, She Said
When I was married (I’m divorced) one of the most aggravating things that would happen when I had a “beef” is that my wife would counter with, “Yeah, well once you…” and she would then list mistakes I’ve made in the past that may, or may not, be relevant to my complaint, but nevertheless negated any…
District 59 belongs to Bob!
Soon after I moved back to Cedar Falls, I met a guy running for re-election to the State House named Bob Kressig. I was attending a fundraiser for Bruce Braley where Braley announced his candidacy for the House of Representatives, and Bob came up to me and introduced himself (as well as his lovely wife,…
Lean to the left! Lean to the right! Stand up-sit down- fight-fight-fight!
Allow me to illustrate what the right wing means when they talk of the “left wing media bias.” Imagine that Presidents Bush and Obama are standing next to each other while attending an Easter Egg Hunt on the White House lawn. President Obama is in his normal business attire, suit and tie, while President Bush…